21 Day Detox Day 3 – Detoxification Road Signs
Detoxification road signs are going to be all along your 21 day journey. I am here to help guide and show you how to recognize the different detoxification road signs, understand what is taking place...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 5 – You and Your Emotions!
You and Your Emotions can be all over the place during a 21 Day Detox! photos by johnnabrynn.org Women and emotions just seem to go hand in hand. Don’t you think? We can usually express our emotions...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 6 – How to Detoxify (and survive!)
How to Detoxify and survive while doing a 21 Day Detox is possible! The “how to detoxify” process can be overwhelming at times. Physically there are the headaches, joint pain, nausea, and more....
View Article21 Day Detox Day 7 – Belly Up!
Belly Up is what your goldfish looks like when it dies or your business when it goes bankrupt! That belly up is not the kind of belly upping we are talking about today! Today’s belly talk is – your...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 9 – What is a Healing Crisis?
During a healing crisis you will experience symptoms when your body brings to the forefront that which needs healing. A healing crisis is the result of a reversal process taking place within your body....
View Article21 Day Detox Day 10 – Symptoms of a Healing Crisis
Knowing the symptoms of a healing crisis will equip and empower your 21 Day Detox! photo by Getty Images Your healing process cannot be compared to another. Nor can it be measured to a previous...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 11 – How to Stop a Healing Crisis
To stop a healing crisis you may do one or more of the following. But wait! Why stop a healing crisis to begin with? Perhaps a person is not emotionally ready and is unable to endure the healing...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 14 – Zoodle Salad Recipe
Zoodle Salad is on the menu! A Zoodle salad is a great way to change-up your cleanse and keep from getting bored on this 21 Day Detox. And this Kitchen Slicer will help you make your curls! This fancy...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 16 – A Place of Solitude
A Place of Solitude A place of solitude is hard to come by these days! There is constant interaction, noise, and people all around – even when we sleep, we keep the tv, radio, or music playing. Time...
View ArticleCleansing Prayers for Your Children & Grandchildren!
Cleansing prayers for your children and grandchildren will not be wasted, forgotten, or pointless. If you have already experienced my detoxes, you will know they are more than just physical cleanses...
View Article7 Day Eat Clean Celebration!
This 7 Day Eat Clean Celebration… …is about celebrating healthy, life-giving foods in exchange for processed foods, that are filled with ingredients we can’t even pronounce! What are clean eating...
View ArticleEat Clean Tip #1: Begin With the Clean Fifteen
Our #1 eat clean tip for today is beginning with the – Clean Fifteen! By looking at what we can eat and not what we can’t, is a great way to begin our 7 Day Eat Clean Celebration! Let me introduce to...
View Article21 Day Detox Day 5 – You and Your Emotions!
You and Your Emotions can be all over the place during a 21 Day Detox! Women and emotions just seem to go hand in hand. Don’t you think? We can usually express our emotions quicker than you can drop a...
View ArticleEat Clean Tip #1: Begin With the Clean Fifteen
Our #1 Eat clean tip for today is beginning with the – Clean Fifteen! By looking at what we can eat and not what we can’t, is a great way to begin our 7-Day Eat Clean Celebration! Let me introduce to...
View ArticleGod Speaks in Different Ways – Here’s One!
God speaks to me in many different ways. Whether I am fasting, cleansing or not… I am always watching and waiting for ways God speaks. Some of the ways I have experienced Him speaking to my heart have...
View Article10 Health Benefits of Kimchi [and why you should eat it]!
The Health Benefits of Kimchi are Amazing! Actually the health benefits of any fermented foods are amazing (and endless too)! But first… What is Kimchi? Kimchi is a Korean staple made of fermented...
View ArticleSweet Encounter with Song of Solomon Comes to Sarasota!
Sweet Encounter with Song Of Solomon coming to Sarasota, FL! Whether you have attended a Sweet Encounter with Song of Solomon meeting or not… you will be in for a special treat either way! I get so...
View ArticleSweet Encounter with Song of Solomon – Did You Know?
Sweet Encounter with Song of Solomon is just around the corner! But wait! Did you know… – There are 117 verses in Song of Solomon? – A Jew could not read it privately until 30 years of age! – It was...
View ArticleSweet Encounter with Song of Solomon – Take a Sneak Peak!
Take a sneak peak at what other Sweet Encounter weekends have looked like! Because I am so excited about tomorrow… I can hardly wait! So I wanted to give you a sneak peak into what other “Sweet...
View Article7 Holiday Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss
My 7 holiday smoothie recipes are waiting to be unwrapped by you! But wait… Before you unwrap your eGift (if you haven’t already!), think about this first. During the holidays we all would love to...
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