The Top 5 (at least to me!) of the Most Unusual High-Alkaline foods!
You must try them at least once! Why?
Because I love challenging you to go another step further, out of the box, down a different aisle of the grocery store, visit an Asian market, or anywhere just to awaken and expand your taste buds!
Be adventurous!
Try one, three or all 5 of these unique foods that will alkalize your body to optimal health!
1. Dandelion Greens: leafy greens high in calcium, rich in iron, low calories, high in antioxidants, loaded with minerals, vitamins, and contain anti-inflammatory properties. Using dandelions in your juices, green smoothies or salads makes the ultimate detox for your liver! Try one of my favorite dandelion juice recipes here! ===> “Summertime Heat”!
2. Spirulina: is a blue-green algae containing 55 – 70% protein! I like to add a teaspoon or more to my glass of water, juice or green smoothie. Spirulina has Vitamin A & E, folic acid, digestive enzymes, beta-carotene, rich in B12, iron, healthy fat gamma-linolenic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorophyll, iodine, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and selenium! Whew that was a mouth full! If that is not enough… spirulina also helps control weight and has 26 times more calcium than milk! Hypoglycemics do well on a cleanse using spirulina between meals and as a replacement for snacks to prevent a drop in blood sugar. Now go get you some spirulina!
3. Chlorella: is a fresh water sea weed, green algae. High in protein (50 – 60%), magnesium, chlorophyll, all B vitamins, Vitamin C & E, minerals, and binds to heavy metals such as mercury & pesticides escorting them out of your body. Chlorella also fights against infection. Like Spirulina, 1 teaspoon or more of chlorella may be added to your water or green smoothie!
4. Ginseng Tea: There are three main types of ginseng tea; Asian, Siberian & American. All are beneficial. Aids in weight loss, reduces menstrual cramps, boosts your immune system, improves mental and physical performance, high in antioxidants and possibly lowers your risk of cancer. I think I am ready for a cup of ginseng tea. How about you?
5. Papaya: A tropical fruit also known as pawpaw or papaw. Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, has special digestive enzymes, phytonutrients, protects your eyes, improves your skin, relieves digestive problems, and possibly lowers your risk from certain types of cancers!
There you have it!
My top 5 most unusual alkaline foods!
How many of them have you already tried? Come on over to our Daily Detox group on Facebook and tell us which one you will try first!